"PARIS-TEHRAN", October 2018
Mr. Clément, Art journalist
“A quest for unity”: Painting according to Maryam Shams is the expression of being. It is a quest for unity between body and mind, dream and reality, man and nature, conscious and unconscious in order to reconcile opposites and achieve harmony. Perfectly in line with contemporary art through its aesthetics, corresponding in spirit to the essential concerns of humanity, the painting of Maryam Shams fully occupies its place. It develops the theme of message and memory in its broadest sense. His painting reflects the maturity of the painter and his plastic mastery ". P. Clément
Gilbert Laisné, Doctor of Art History
"The works of Maryam Shams made a strong impression on me, I found there all the problems of abstract art and a strong artistic temperament. Maryam Shams had all the keys to creating contemporary art, both figurative and non-figurative, these keys being the gesture and the sign, the color and the emotion, the form and the representation, the textures and the vision of the world or its interiority... His works appeared to me as metamorphoses graphics and suggestions of worked space, from gesture to formal masses, from light-matter to color-matter, from vision to dream... A dynamic relationship between gestures and writing, traces and imprints, calligraphies and ichnographies, bathed in Persian gardens or universal landscapes where Maryam Shams seizes a rhythm, a harmony which she transcribes like an interior melody".
Catherine Plassart
Maryam Shams: Beyond the Visible.
There is no more beautiful tree than that of life. Maryam Shams' approach at work in her painting is a true initiatory science, a quest for unity. Each table is a symbolic diagram which reveals the elementary principles of creation, its elements originals and its powerful factors. Circles, triangles, abstract shapes are the magic instruments that provide the rich ground for a common imagination. the West, the East, their deep archetypes, the verticals, crosses, straight lines structure the artist's universe. Revealing a need for order, balance, harmony based on the light and love. Maryam Shams wishes with all her might to vibrate the vital link, the sensitive space, she does not confine herself to the visible but hatches mysterious worlds. Cosmic reality? Mystical universe? There is here power, lightness, a deployment of infinite extensions. Yet an image of the world is anchored behind this need for elevation. Its almost invisible topography dooms it to oblivion. Likewise, the fragmented writings that cover the canvas are the motif of a silent word, a form of memory. But one board clearly displays its text, "freedom", the universal message of the human condition.